LS Wellness Solutions



About Me

Welcome to a space rooted in compassion, understanding, and personal transformation. I am Lorianna, a Certified Wellness Practitioner and Holistic Wellness Coach, and I extend to you a warm embrace born out of my own journey. My path into the world of wellness was not paved with ease; rather, it was marked by personal struggles of toxicity and abuse. I faced the depths of stress, anxiety, and depression, grappled with unhealthy eating patterns that emerged as coping mechanisms from abuse, and navigated the complexities of my own well-being. These challenges, while daunting, became the catalyst for my transformation and an inspiration guiding me towards a profound purpose: to help other women find emotional freedom and healing. Today, I stand as a beacon of hope, a Public Health Educator and Holistic Wellness Practitioner armed with and MPH concentrating in nutrition and certifications from esteemed institutions like NCHEC, IAWP, NWI, and AADP. In my pursuit of knowledge, I immersed myself in the world of stress management, worksite wellness, and holistic nutrition solutions. I have become a fervent advocate for holistic health.

The bigger picture, however, is my emotional and mental transformation after an abusive marriage.  Diagnosed with PTSD and major depression, I made a decision that I was not going to be a victim.  I would be a survivor. Going to therapy for all those years during the abuse had never helped.  I wanted them to wave a magic wand and make my problems disappear.  What I realized, however, was that I had to take matters into my own hands and create my own healing story! 

I claimed my healing and developed my own strategy to break free and now I share this with others women who have decided it’s time to stop complaining and start healing!

Your story is unique, and I am here to honor it, support it, and celebrate it with you. Welcome to a space where your healing matters deeply.  Let’s break some chains and take some names, Beautiful!


In the heart of my empathetic approach lies a deep understanding of the battles you might be facing after your toxic relationship. I comprehend the weight of stress, the emotional turmoil, and the unhealthy habits that often accompany it like struggling to express your voice, difficulty saying no, experiencing fear and anxiety when trying to make decisions, and even snapping in anger when you’re under stress. Your journey is not just yours; it resonates deeply with me. It’s this shared understanding that fuels my passion to guide you towards a life marked by balance, vitality, and holistic well-being.

Elite Coach

I believe that healing is not a destination but a continuous, compassionate journey—one where we unravel the layers of stress, heal the wounds left behind by the narcissist, and break chains of emotional eating, people pleasing, and self sabotage. As your companion on this transformative path, I am here to provide more than just guidance; I offer a listening ear, a non-judgmental space, and a supportive presence.
Together, we will delve into the roots of your stress, gently untangling the threads that bind you. We will address the unhealthy patterns and toxic cycles you’ve developed with kindness and understanding, nurturing a positive relationship with yourself, food, and others. My approach is rooted in empathy because I have stood where you stand now, and I understand the courage it takes to embark on this journey.  

Lolo Walking

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