Feeling Lost When You’re Free

Abuse makes you feel crazy. Abuse literally causes your brain to use survival tactics in an attempt to stay sane and alive. When the body faces high stress or threat it activates what’s commonly known as the “fight or flight” syndrome – amped up levels of cortisol and other stress hormones to allow your body …

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It’s Okay To Cry

Emotional Set-Backs During Abuse Recovery Let’s be realistic. No one bounces back from trauma perfectly, immediately, and without set backs. I don’t care how good your therapy is, how strong your will is, and how amazing your support system is. You’ve gone through extensive emotional trauma, and it takes years to undo what was done. …

Image represents the visual feeling of being confused and depressed

8 Feelings and Emotions to Expect During Recovery From Domestic Abuse

Getting out of an abusive relationship is extremely difficult. Some people never make it out alive. Domestic violence is scary, life-altering, confusing, and dangerous. Being a survivor means just that – you survived and now it’s time to move forward with the rest of your life! Moving forward definitely does not mean forgetting. The first …

When The Journey Gets Muddy

As I was walking to a bench at the very back of the park, far away from the traffic noise and other visitors to rest, I noticed the ground which looked like solid grass was getting very soft. As I progressed, it got very squishy, wet, and slippery. Then as I took another step I realized my foot was going to get immersed in the muddy ground if I kept going. What are you holding back from reaching because of the muddy ground and uncertainty?

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What Repentance Is Not

Forgiving our abuser or anyone that’s really hurt us is hard.  For some it feels impossible.  Don’t worry, though, I’m not here to ask you to forgive anyone.  While it’s healthy for ourselves to forgive others, that doesn’t always mean we can remain in relationship with them if we do. There is a condition to …

Why Finding Your Purpose is Crucial to Your Recovery From Abuse

One of the outcomes of emotional abuse is complete loss of self. An emotional abuser doesn’t want their victim to have any strength that may challenge their own – they feel threatened when their partner owns an identity separate from theirs. It’s one of the primary tactics and purposes for emotional abuse – to take away their victim’s individuality and purpose apart from their own personal gain.

What does it mean to have healthy boundaries?

Have you ever felt like a friend or loved one was walking all over you? Maybe you’re feeling like a doormat? Maybe it’s your best friend or your spouse. Perhaps your brother or sister seems to feel entitled to your time and resources. Does your church expect you to be present whenever the doors are …

Why Its Impossible To Communicate With a Narcissist

“You are a horrible communicator” “You don’t communicate with me” “Communication is key” “Our problem is that you don’t communicate” “Communication, communication, communication.” It got to the point where just hearing the word communication is now a borderline trigger for me. I don’t go into full-blown flashbacks over it, but it definitely makes my stomach …

Spiritual Abuse Part 2 – The Aftermath.

Previously in Spiritual Abuse Part 1 – Spiritual Abuse Is A Thing  I outlined and described specifically what spiritual abuse is and how to spot the signs.  I gave some examples of how one is victimized by this type of abuse and how it so easily crushes the victim and traps them in a never-ending cycle …