I don’t feel like it…

Ever heard those words? Ever said those words? Ever wanted to say them but held your tongue? Let’s be honest. Sometimes we just don’t feel like it. Whatever “it” is. As a trauma survivor with ADHD, I know how much harder things feel now than they ever felt before.  For me, it’s adulting. Sometimes I just …

How to Unlock Your Inner Freedom

Toxic relationships – both personal and professional – depression, oppression, being controlled, and abuse create a toxic storm inside us that feels impossible to overcome. It derails our future plans, generates hopelessness, and we end up lost with no idea where to go. We begin to feel suffocated and bound. Ultimate submission and self-sacrifice cause …

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It’s Okay To Cry

Emotional Set-Backs During Abuse Recovery Let’s be realistic. No one bounces back from trauma perfectly, immediately, and without set backs. I don’t care how good your therapy is, how strong your will is, and how amazing your support system is. You’ve gone through extensive emotional trauma, and it takes years to undo what was done. …

Turning a Passion Into Purpose

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s what every child hears when they are little. As if a 5 year old has any clue what’s out there to do. You hear all kinds of responses from a police officer, a firefighter, a nurse, dinosaur hunter, and or even a super hero! …

Why Finding Your Purpose is Crucial to Your Recovery From Abuse

One of the outcomes of emotional abuse is complete loss of self. An emotional abuser doesn’t want their victim to have any strength that may challenge their own – they feel threatened when their partner owns an identity separate from theirs. It’s one of the primary tactics and purposes for emotional abuse – to take away their victim’s individuality and purpose apart from their own personal gain.

“I’m Scared!” – Do It Anyway!

Back in 2020 I had the awesome opportunity to interview a very good friend of mine, Whitney Teel with Wilmington Coastal Doulas, about achieving a major accomplishment despite fears and insecurities. She’s such an inspiration to me, and always has been. I’ve known Whitney for about 15 years and she never ceases to amaze me. Both …

What does it mean to have healthy boundaries?

Have you ever felt like a friend or loved one was walking all over you? Maybe you’re feeling like a doormat? Maybe it’s your best friend or your spouse. Perhaps your brother or sister seems to feel entitled to your time and resources. Does your church expect you to be present whenever the doors are …

The Light Inside the Tunnel – Part 2

Previously I shared my experience with depression.  It’s like a dark, unlit tunnel that surprises you on your beautiful drive through the mountains.  Well friends, it’s not just depression that is like this.  So are death, broken relationships, unemployment — unforeseen circumstances of any kind that leave you completely blindsided and lost.  These are all …