Diets Suck

Diets Suck LS-Wellness October 26, 2023 6:26 pm No Comments We all say it. Going on a diet sucks!  At least that’s what it feels like! But the truth is that we all have a diet. We just don’t all necessarily have a healthy one.  So let’s be clear about what we’re really saying… “Restricting what we …

Small Steps Pave the Journey

Small Steps Pave the Journey LS-Wellness October 26, 2023 6:26 pm No Comments So, you’re starting over.  You’ve started a new chapter in your life and you’re ready to focus on your health and wellness.  Woohoo! The past is behind you, and you’re facing the horizon of new beginnings.  So… where do you start? It’s …

Why Nothing’s Changing

Why Nothing’s Changing LS-Wellness October 26, 2023 5:00 pm No Comments You want to change the way you’re living, be healthier, feel better, enjoy life more, and be confident and happy.  You’ve bought the stuff, you’ve paid for the package, you’ve signed the contract, you’re showing up to your appointments, but you’re not seeing a …